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ACO Viet Nam

Food and Beverage Industry

Water Management for the Food & Beverage Industry

In a world where food can be produced almost anywhere, it is vitally important that this food is processed in an environment which is 100% safe. Therefore it is essential that every facility where food is processed in any way is equipped by more complex and sophisticated drainage concepts.

ACO achieves this by harnessing the power of connected water systems by embracing a more joined up, holistic approach to water management to tackle these challenges. Our integrated system solutions address optimal food safety, people and plant protection and water preservation concerns.

Every ACO product plays an important role within the ACO optimal system chain, thereby safely controlling the water on its journey as it passes along the chain to ensure that it can be hygienically, economically and ecologically handled in the most viable way.

Since decade ago, HygieneFirst is a definition of uncompromising hygienic performance. Hygienic drainage is designed and manufactured to the strictest hygienic principles defined by industry leaders to protect our communities.

ACO is proud pioneer in leveraging F&B standard and therefore protecting our customers’ business continuity from unforeseen consequences caused by bacteria outbreaks.

ACO puts Hygiene First

ACO puts Hygiene First