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ACO Viet Nam


Sri Sarvaraya Sugars limited manufacturers Sugar, Industrial Alcohol, Carbonated and Non-Carbonated Soft Drinks and Bottled Water at its Plants in East Godavari and Khammam Districts of Andhra Pradesh and is an Authorised Bottler of The Coca-Cola Company, U.S.A.

ACO Products

  • ACO hygienic gully 157 - fixed height
  • ACO hygienic gully 218 - fixed height
  • ACO gully EG150
  • ACO hygienic ladder grating
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Project nameSri Sarvaraya Sugars Limited
BrandSri Sarvaraya Sugars Limited
InvestorSri Sarvaraya Sugars Limited
City of installationGopalapuram, Andhra Pradesh
Country of installationIndia
Commissioning date2016
ACO sales organizationACO India
SegmentFood & Beverage Industry
SubsegmentSoft drinks