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ACO Viet Nam

Radegast brewery, Czech Republic

Brewery in Nošovice was founded in 1966 as a local brewery for North Moravia region. In 1988 has the Factory produced more than 1mil hl of beer and in 1990´s was the company merged by SAB as well as other well known brands in CZ like Pilsner-Urquell, Gambrinus or Velkopopovický kozel.

ACO Product

  • ACO hygienic gully 218 telescopic
  • ACO hygienic box channel 300 mm width
  • ACO arla grating
  • ACO Access Cover - Solid 600 x 600 mm
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Project nameRadegast Nošovice - SAB
BrandRadegast Nošovice - SAB
InvestorRadegast Nošovice - SAB
City of installationNošovice
Country of installationCzech Republic
Commissioning date2016
ACO sales organizationACO Czech Republic
SegmentFood & Beverage Industry